Friday, January 29, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm in Love...

Normally, I don't fall in love with that many items to the point I can't stop thinking about them. Before Christmas, Joey and I went to Chicago for a holiday shopping weekend and I saw and fell in deep deep love with these:

Aren't they beautiful? I am going to set a personal goal of some sort and when I reach it, I'm going to buy these beautiful Badgley Mischka's because every girl needs a pair of Show Stoppers!

And after I get them, my next goal will be for these beauties!


Watch Out Saints......

We're Coming for YOU!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Yoga = Yowsa

So I took my first Yoga class last night…..and I’m a little sore.

I went with my friend Amelia to the class and the instructor was this cute hippie lady - Ann - who put up a No Farm, No Food sticker as soon as she got into the room so I instantly liked her. After her chatter about a self contained fish and lettuce eco-farm that she recently visited, we started class.

I then embarked on what I thought was going to be an hour of simple stretching. Boy was I right….stretching of things that haven’t ever been stretched….or at least haven’t been stretched since my cheerleading days in high school…

However, by the end of class, I felt much taller and more limber. I was relaxed and ready for bed. Long story short, I think I liked Yoga. It was far less violent on my body than an hour pounding away on the treadmill.

And to that I say, namaste.

Friday, January 15, 2010

So I think I like the snow

So after thinking about it, the weather in Milwaukee is not all that bad. Don't get me wrong, its cold, but it is also kind of cozy. For the first two winters we lived in Milwaukee…it was like we were drowning in snow. Terms like “white-outs”, “winter weather emergency”, “low visibility”, “snow blowers” and “wind chill” entered into our vocabulary for the first time. I know in Indiana we get snow…but if it’s more than 2 inches, school is canceled. In Milwaukee – it has to snow a few feet before kids luck out on a snow day.

Also, Milwaukee news stations treat winter weather like breaking news giving updates from all over the City and interrupting local programming. It becomes exciting and you find yourself panicked and going to the grocery store to stock up in case you are snowed in! It’s also kind of fun to get bundled up and shovel your walk way….not in the early morning (thanks Joey), but after work.

During the last winter storm, we ended up with about 12 inches of a light powdery snow. The key here is that the temperature was in the 20's - not sub-zero, so being outside was reasonable. Rosie and I bundled up and went out to tackle shoveling. I was getting a workout and she was eating snow and it was….FUN! It’s also neat because even when it is dark out, the snow reflection makes it light outside. It’s calming in a way.

Currently, we are in the midst of a heat wave. It’s going to be in the 30’s all week which is very unseasonable. Because I am driving to Indiana this weekend, I’m good with the warm up, but secretly I’m hoping for a big BIG storm when we get back! It keeps things interesting!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


We have tickets to the Colts vs. Ravens game on Saturday and I am pumped!! First time we've been to a playoff game!

Make the trip worthwhile Peyton! We're talkin 600 miles here!


Dear Spring, could you hurry?

After the holidays, my days seem to get longer. With no festivities to look forward to or desert recipes to try out…January thru March are dismal. So, in order to rearrange my thinking, I set milestones that help me to get through the weeks and months.

Getting through the week:

Wednesday night comedy on ABC - Thank you Modern Family and Cougar Town for being so hilarious. And, since I am a Cougar for 30 days each year (Joey is 30 days younger), I can identify with the show! I look forward to Wednesdays because it is the benchmark to the weekend! And, it’s the day before Real Housewives and Grey’s Anatomy (my TV drama night). Also, Joey plays basketball on Thursdays so it is the only night when I can watch TV interruption free and without any channel surfing to ESPN, FOX Sports or any other sporting channel or event just to “check the score”.

What comes after Thursday….JEANS at work!..which is one less decision I have to make in the morning! I know it seems that I get through my week by watching TV…and it’s a little true, but when you live in a place that frequently has sub-zero degree temperatures, what else are you supposed to do? (Please note: I go to the YMCA every day after work – the TV time begins when I get home.)

Getting through the month:

Last year, I was lucky enough to go on a DesJean family vacation to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic at the end of January. Unfortunately, this year, I have no warm weather plans, but every year my Steering Committee from college gets together in Chicago for our reunion. So many of my friends make their way to the Windy City for a weekend of throwback fun and inside jokes…it’s a great time -cold weather and all. Thank you SC reunion for getting me through January with something exciting to look forward to.

I’m still working on plans for February and March. I keep having dreams of being on vacation on a beach so maybe its in the cards....In February, Joey and I will proudly celebrate our 5 years of togetherness – so that will be fun! And...I can decorate for Valentines Day and make fun Valentines for my fam! Other than that, I am keeping my calendar free and welcome visits from those in southern states – namely Indiana!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Chick Flick Weekend! WooHoo!

This weekend was a Meryl Streep weekend - and Joey was a trooper for sitting through both movies with me.

The first movie: Julie & Julia
I loved, loved, loved this movie. I will be adding it to my movie collection for sure. The movie is about a women who decides to cook her way through Julia Child's cookbook in a year and she blogs about her experience. As her story is carrying out, it flips to Julia Child's adventure and quest to create her cookbook. In a word - delightful.

Second movie: It's Complicated
Joey and I went to see this movie at the theater. We typically hit up adventure or action movies but I was really excited to see this movie because it has the same director as Something's Gotta Give, which is another of my favorite movies. I love these movies because the scenes are so beautiful. I always want to live in the character's homes.

The movie was a good laugh. John Krasinski from the office stole the show. It was also good to see Steve Martin in a movie again. I must say - the scene with Alec Baldwin and the Mac Book Pro video camera was hilarious. Great movie - but no real need to see on the big screen...unless you like gawking at the homes like me.