Sunday, January 3, 2010

Chick Flick Weekend! WooHoo!

This weekend was a Meryl Streep weekend - and Joey was a trooper for sitting through both movies with me.

The first movie: Julie & Julia
I loved, loved, loved this movie. I will be adding it to my movie collection for sure. The movie is about a women who decides to cook her way through Julia Child's cookbook in a year and she blogs about her experience. As her story is carrying out, it flips to Julia Child's adventure and quest to create her cookbook. In a word - delightful.

Second movie: It's Complicated
Joey and I went to see this movie at the theater. We typically hit up adventure or action movies but I was really excited to see this movie because it has the same director as Something's Gotta Give, which is another of my favorite movies. I love these movies because the scenes are so beautiful. I always want to live in the character's homes.

The movie was a good laugh. John Krasinski from the office stole the show. It was also good to see Steve Martin in a movie again. I must say - the scene with Alec Baldwin and the Mac Book Pro video camera was hilarious. Great movie - but no real need to see on the big screen...unless you like gawking at the homes like me.

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